The chief goal of the “SAFEMEDIC” project was to improve the workplace safety of healthcare professionals by increasing their skills and competences in dealing with difficult situations. To achieve this, the project consortium designed and developed a complex multi-stakeholder, inter-disciplinary course for healthcare students, predominantly focused on paramedics and nurses. The didactic materials and project’s intellectual outputs may also be helpful for other health workers such as physicians and physiotherapists.

After logging onto the website you will find yourself in the “cockpit” of five SAFEMEDIC courses, where you choose the language version of the course. The following versions are available: English, Czech, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Slovenian, which reflects the international composition of the team that carried out this project.

You can use the course materials sequentially or selectively, depending on your needs.

The learning content of the course is organized into the following modules:

·      Introductory section

·      Module 1-1: Violence and aggression – anthropological perspective

·      Module 1-2: Violence and aggression – psychological perspective

·      Module 2-1: Violence and aggressive behaviour – legal perspective

·      Module 2-2: Risk management

·      Module 3: Negotiations

·      Module 4: Techniques of de-escalating aggression in patients in a hospital setting

There are also three supplementary modules: “Online training” (recordings of online trainings done by the course partners), “For teacher’s eyes only” and “Functionalities” (platforms for online lectures, videoconferencing and issuing the “Safemedic course certificate”).

To access the course, you need to create your account, which is done automatically and the only information you are expected to provide is your name and e-mail address. In this way you will acquire the “Student” status, which will give you access to all the materials needed by a learner.

To use all the resources of the course you need the “Non-editing teacher” status – if you need it, please contact the administrator of the course at:

Every educational institution wishing to use the course as its own should contact the administrator, download the full package of the course free of charge and place it on its moodle platform (which will allow making any changes and/or amendments, enlisting students and observing their operations on the platform, etc.). Since almost all the videos are streamed, the whole course is compressed to only ca. 300 MB.

The leader of the project – Lipinski University in Kielce, Poland (Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Edwarda Lipińskiego, is ready to provide teachers and students with the printed version of “The Guide”. The book, as many other educational materials, are also available for download from the course platform.

Improving quality of care should include rights of health workers as well patients to ensure true compliance with human rights principles. And, these principles have to be translated into effective legal provisions. SAFEMEDIC will explore these issues from education to practice

Soosmita Sinha

President of the Health Law Institute

Interprofessional education is vital to develop successful and sustained collaborative practice amongst health and social care professionals in their day to day work. This allows them to value each other’s skills and knowledge, develop strong relationships and trust which enhances patient care. This holistic view of health care as a partnership of all concerned can only be of benefit when considering the personal safety of staff.

Lesley Diack

Professor at Robert Gordon University
Panel 1


Akademia Nauk Stosowanych im. prof. Edwarda Lipinskiego w Kielcach, Poland

Institute of Technology Tralee, Ireland

Vysoka Skola Zdravotnicka, Czech Republic

Alma Mater Europaea-Evropski Center, Slovenia

Kauno Kolegija, Lithuania

International Network for Health Workforce Education, Cyprus

Panel 2



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Panel 3
